This time of year marks the perfect time to....
follow through on something you said you would do...
smile about the things that are going well in your life...
and if things seem a little tough right now, can you think of ONE thing you can be grateful for?
How will YOU turn over a new leaf this week?
What will YOUR new leaf be?
Helping YOU set those life and career goals, one goal at a time...
...and hoping to make the world a better place in the process.
We are so grateful for YOU and all the amazing partnerships and opportunities that have come our way in the past few months.
Such amazing, inspiring, thoughtful, impactful, kind people of all ages.
We are so THANKFUL for all the cheerleading and support.
What an amazing Your New Leaf (YNL) tribe of warriors!
[Image description:
Caption reads at the top of the picture
"Among the things that you can give and still keep are your word, a smile, and a grateful heart."
Zig Ziglar
Image shows two hands shaking to demonstrate a partnership and gratitude.]
#reminder #inspiration #goals #partnership #gratitude
Monday Moment is a special segment highlighting
a motivational quote of the week.
This segment is meant to motivate and inspire you to set new goals in your daily life.
For more inspirational quotes, please go to: